Food and beverages
We have to give our the best product for ensure from good material and quality to give our guest the best start for the day. Therefore, we offer a delicious breakfast buffet that focuses ecology, health, and the good taste with kind of menu we serve. As a result, we have large selection menu start from appetizer, main course, and dessert. On the other hand, If the guest have to diet, we serve as well as various juice, fresh fruit and vegetable, and fresh yoghurt. We also offer delicious scrambled egg, omelette, and kind of delicious and soft pastry product for those of you would prefer a more simple menu.
Breakfast is served daily from 06.00 to 10.00 a.m which located on the lobby area of hotel.
Early breakfast service
If you have to go in the early morning or need to get out the door early, We offer early breakfast service. Please must be ordered at receptionist at the latest 12.00 p.m the day before.